
Chicken Saramura 

Chicken legs
chopped fresh herbs
chicken stock
chopped chillies

1. Coat the chicken legs with chopped fresh herbs, oil and salt and leave for 30 minutes, then grill until golden brown.

2. Reduce some stock with chopped chilies to a coating consistency, then add grilled tomato, peppers, onion and garlic to make a light sauce.

3. Serve the chicken on a slice of shallow-fried polenta, coated with the sauce.

Sarmale – Sour Cabbage Rolls

1 Lb ground chicken
1 Lb ground veal or beef
1 Large onion minced
1 cup rice (white)
1 can tomato sauce (non-spiced)
2 cloves garlic
1 Tb paprika
1 Tsp freshly ground pepper
1½ Tsp salt
1 Tbs marjoram
1 Lb sauerkraut
4-5 sprigs of fresh dill or parsley
1-2 bay leaves (imported)
1 Tbs canola oil
6 cups chicken broth (home made)

The procedure is very simple. In a large pan, sautee the minced onion and garlic with the oil for about 5 minutes, add the paprika and take off the heat. Add this to a large mixing bowl together with the ground chicken, veal (or beef), rice, ground pepper, salt marjoram, half of the dill chopped and mix well.

Lay a bed of sauerkraut (about 1 inch) on the bottom of a large pot (preferably cast iron for optimal heat transfer and distribution), add 2-3 sprigs of dill and build a surrounding wall out of your stuffed cabbage rolls, by placing them seam down and pointing to the center.

Fill up the center space with the remaining rolls, sprinkle about 1 tsp salt, pepper to taste, add the bay leaves, 3-4 sprigs of dill, and add the remaining sauerkraut on the top. Don’t top the pot to the rim like I did because the rice will expand while cooking pushing the entire sarmale up. Leave about one inch to the rim. Add the tomato sauce and broth making sure that the liquid level comes up to the top level of rolls. Bring it to a boil and then reduce heat to low. Boil it for the next 4 hours.

Fried cheese squares. They make a perfect snack, with a crumb crust

1/2 lb provolone cheese (Cascaval is the more authentic; if you can find it, by all means use it)
2 eggs, beaten with
2 tablespoons water
1 1/2 seasoned bread crumbs (I actually use plain Progresso and add lots of garlic powder)
1-2 cup vegetable oil, for frying
lettuce leaf, to serve
1. Slice the cheese into 1-1/2 inch squares that are 1/2 inch thick.
2. Dip first into the beaten egg mixture, then into the seasoned bread crumbs (I find that a"double dipping" of each works the best; after the first dip in the bread crumbs, repeat the process again).
3. Heat oil in a deep skillet until it "shimmers".
4. Fry cheese until golden brown on both sides and a little soft (this does not take very long, and do not completely melt cheese).

2 comentarii:

  1. Ingredients:
    1 chicken 1 kg
    1 kg salt coarser
    1 kg flour
    600 g water
    1-2 cloves garlic uncleaned
    a sprig rosemary
    1 yolk
    4 tablespoons milk

    Mix salt and flour in a bowl then add water and stir until beginning to get a compact dough. Kneading is not easy but slowly I give head
    Divide dough into two pieces and stretch into the first piece of 1 cm thick sheet. Introduce inside the chicken (chicken should be removed well water) a sprig of rosemary, 2 cloves garlic wash but uncleaned, varnish inside with salt and pepper.
    Put chicken on the first sheet and cover it well as we can then cover with second sheet and sealed well so that it stays well any piece of chicken in the dough trays,
    So we dressed chicken in a pot about the same size slightly anointed with oil,

    Stuffing chicken in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 130 minutes. With about 15 to 20 minutes before end of baking, remove chicken and varnish it with a mixture of rubbed egg yolks with milk and then stuffing it back in the oven and leave it to the end.

  2. Apple crumble



    300g plain flour, sieved pinch of salt

    175g/ unrefined brown sugar

    200g unsalted butter, cubed at room temperature

    Knob of butter for greasing


    450g apples, peeled, cored and cut into 1cm/½in pieces

    50g unrefined brown sugar

    1 tbsp plain flour

    1 pinch of ground cinnamon

    Preparation method

    1.Preheat the oven to 180C

    2.Place the flour and sugar in a large bowl and mix well. Taking a few cubes of butter at a time rub into the flour mixture. Keep rubbing until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

    3.Place the fruit in a large bowl and sprinkle over the sugar, flour and cinnamon. Stir well being careful not to break up the fruit.

    4.Butter a 24cm/9in ovenproof dish. Spoon the fruit mixture into the bottom, then sprinkle the crumble mixture on top.

    5.Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until the crumble is browned and the fruit mixture bubbling.

    6.Serve with thick cream or custard.
